Team Showcase Info
Each team had a Team Room to interact with their guests during the event. To see a profile of any team including a video please click on the Team Showcase Categories on this page and then each team icon to see:
2-5 min video presentation
Team members profile
On the day of the Showcase:
Participating teams answered questions from all interested attendees for a 90 minute period following the Plenary. Each team had a Live Team Room during which the team was happy to give visitors a live pitch or network and answer any questions. The Team Rooms were all open in parallel, so audience members can visit with any team. When you enter a Team Room, you can listen in without being visible and can turn your microphone and/or video to interact with the table participants.
There was networking tables as well as a HELP ROOM on every floor. Event opened 15 mins before the start time to allow audience to network.
Team Showcase Rooms
Contact Our Help Desk at explorer@um6pventures.com